Natural Amethyst

Natural Amethyst

Natural Amethyst is a crystal that symbolizes peace, patience and happiness. It helps prevent overthinking and anxiety so that we can tap into our deepest desires. It’s a powerful crystal for bringing prosperity and abundance. Amethyst is great to use during meditation because it helps access your intuitions and helps redirect and focus energy flow. If you wear amethyst it will help bring your manifestations to life.

The Amethyst Name

The word Amethyst comes from the Greek word “ametusthos,” which translates to “not intoxicated.” It’s a variety of Quartz and is usually dark purple but can range from pale violet to red, transparent or opaque.

Physical Benefits

Natural Amethyst strengthens the body’s will power against addictions. It’s great for sleeping problems, headaches and body pain. If you’re looking for more information on the physical properties of Amethyst check out Plants Hospital for more.

Natural Amethyst Benefits

Chakras that work with Natural Amethyst

1. The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra, or the sixth chakra, with the official Sanskrit name “Ajna”, means “beyond wisdom.” It goes with the color deep blue and covers the area between our eyebrows. There is actually a small pinecone shaped gland in the brain which takes in light. This is the pineal gland. Infront of the pineal gland is where the third eye is.


Image By Katrina Rasbold via Patheos

The third eye is all about going beyond this world and its 5 senses. It relates to developing intuition, self-realization, and inner guidance.

Natural Amethyst brings awareness and new perspectives and works with the third eye chakra. If you place an amethyst over your third eye during meditation it’ll help you see the bigger picture. It also helps stop you from overthinking and worrying. If you manage to balance this chakra, it will leave you feeling in touch with both your physical life, as well as your spiritual practice.

The Best Crystal for the Third Eye Chakra: Amethyst
Other Crystals: Lolite, Charoite and Angelite, Violet Fluorite
The Best Crystal Affirmation to use with The Third Eye Chakra: “Every breath I inhale calms me and every breath I exhale releases tension.” 
Our Crystals and Chakras Suggestion: Focus on your breath and picture a deep violet stream of energy flowing between the crystal and your sixth chakra.
The Traditional Cleansing Mantra for The Third Eye Chakra: AUM

2. The Crown Chakra

The Crown, or the seventh chakra,with the official Sanskrit name Sahaswara, means “thousand petaled.” It represents conscious energy and covers the area right at the top (or the crown) of the head. It goes with the colors white and violet. It relates to enlightenment and deep thought.

Both amethyst and the crown chakra work well together because they create a connection to intuition and the soul. If you work with them together, you can help discover and understand your deepest desires. They also both go with the color violet, which allows them to emit the same vibration and increase healing properties. Remember, colors also have frequencies, wavelengths and vibrations too!

Yogis that can get this chakra completely opened and balanced refer to it as nirvana or bliss. It’s extremely difficult to balance, but, if you work towards balancing the crown chakra, you’ll create more happiness and good health. Even if it’s never completely balanced, just remember, it’s the journey not the destination!

The Best Crystal for the Crown Chakra: Clear Quartz, Selenite, Amethyst.
Other Crystals:  Lepidolite, Blue Lace Agate and Ametrine
The Best Crystal Affirmation to use with The Crown Chakra: “I radiate positive energy and I am eternally grateful.”
Our Crystals and Chakras Suggestion: Focus on your breath and picture a clear or violet stream of energy flowing between the crystal and your sixth chakra.
The Traditional Cleansing Mantra for The Crown Chakra: OM

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Are you looking to learn more about crystals? Check out this short informative video by Annie Tarasova and skip to 7:56 to hear all about Natural Amethyst.

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