

Angelite symbolizes tranquility and calmness. It helps relieve tension, stress and anger, all while creating a forgiving atmosphere. Just by wearing it, you’ll soothe your entire body and protect yourself by creating a constant flow of relaxation. It connects you to a higher spirit and helps create a peaceful and compassionate mood.

The Angelite Name

The word Angelite comes from the Greek word “anhydrs” which translates to “without water.” Hence, angelite is a soft stone and should never be put in water because it will convert into a softer mineral. It comes from a form of Celestite and is usually a pale blue to white color, and therefore has a high vibration.

Angelite Physical Benefits

The physical benefits of Angelite help improve throat inflammation and infections. It can also repair tissues and correct blood deficiencies. Looking for more information on the physical properties of Angelite? Check out ‘Charms of Light” 

angelite tumbled

Imagine By Healing Crystals from

Chakras that work with Angelite

1. The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra, or the fifth chakra,with the official Sanskrit name “Vishuddha,” means “very pure.” It connects with the color yellow and is found in the center of the throat. It represents clear communication and truth. Balancing this chakra allows you to truly express yourself. As a result, it gives you the courage to say exactly what you want to, while still speaking with kindness.

So, using Angelite with the throat chakra will truly help you express yourself in an honest and truthful way.

Crystals and Mantras

The Best Crystal for the Throat Chakra: Angelite
Other Crystals:  Kyanite, Sodalite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Amazonite

The Best Crystal Affirmation to use withThe Throat Chakra : “I watch my thoughts and entertain only those that are positive, I speak truthfully and clearly.”
Our Crystals and Chakras Suggestion: Focus on your breath and picture a light blue stream of energy flowing between the crystal and your fifth chakra.
Traditional Cleansing Mantra for the throat chakra: HAM

2. The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra, or the sixth chakra,with the official Sanskrit name “Ajna”, means “beyond wisdom.” It connects with deep blue and is located between our eyebrows. There is actually a small pinecone shaped gland in the brain which takes in light. This is where the third eye is located.


Image By Katrina Rasbold via Patheos

It is all about going beyond this world and the 5 senses. This chakra is all about developing intuition, self-realization, and inner guidance.

Using Angelite with the Third Eye Chakra will really help you tap into your inner intuition and follow your truth. They will help you conquer built-up fears that have been stopping you from moving forward. Balancing this chakra will leave you feeling in touch with both your physical life as well as your spiritual practice.

Crystals and Mantras

The Best Crystal for the Third Eye Chakra: Selenite or Natural Amethyst 
Other Crystals: Angelite

The Best Crystal Affirmation to use with The Third Eye Chakra: “I am calm no matter what I’m feeling because I honor and follow my intuition.” 
Our Crystals and Chakras Suggestion: Focus on your breath and picture a deep blue stream of energy flowing between the crystal and your sixth chakra.
Traditional Cleansing Mantra for The Third Eye Chakra: AUM

For a deeper look into Angelite and its connections to Arc Angels check out Heather Askinosie from energymuse. 

Come find us on Instagram for daily yoga and crystal motivation! 

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